
Across California and beyond, UCSF Multitudes is guided by a multidisciplinary team of researchers, partner institutions and organizations.

Our Partners Make It All Possible

Multitudes is brought to you through the generous collaboration of participating schools across California, our institutional allies, and deep contributions by consulting faculty and leading experts across fields including,  but not limited to: the neuroscience of reading and learning;  literacy assessment and interventions;  speech and language pathology;  multilingual learning; early childhood and K-12 education;  education law and policy;  anti-racism practice;  teacher training and professional development; dyslexia theory and practice; and community engagement and implementation science. 

Consulting Faculty & Researchers


Hugh Catts, PhD
Florida State University

Ben Domingue, PhD
Stanford University

Fumiko Hoeft, PhD
University of Connecticut


Javier Jasso, PhD
Ohio State University

Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas, PhD

Amy Pratt, PhD
University of Cincinnati


Mahalakshmi Ramamurthy, PhD
Stanford University

Boon Lead Tee, PhD

Francisco Usero Gonzalez, PhD
Sam Houston State University


Cengiz Zopluoglu, PhD
University of Oregon





Advisory Council

  • Carla Bryant, Executive Director, DIAL EE
  • Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Office of Education
  • Steve Carnevale, Emeritus Trustee, Charles Armstrong School
  • Tina Christie, Dean, UCLA School of Education
  • Anne Cunningham, Professor, UC Berkeley School of Education
  • Elizabeth Estes, JD, UCLA/UCSF/Hastings 
  • John Gabrieli, MIT/ Harvard
  • Chi Kim, CEO, Pure Edge, Inc.
  • Katrina Maestri, President, Chartwell Academy
  • Deirdre Marsh-Giradi, Sacramento County Office of Education
  • Sue Shalvey, Board of Directors, Life Learning Academy
  • Julie Washington, Professor, UC Irvine School of Education
  • Bob Wise, President, Alliance for Excellent Education
  • Maryanne Wolf, Professor, UCLA School of Education
  • Kristin Wright, Sacramento County Office of Education