Meet Multitudes
Multitudes is a groundbreaking digital platform, research system, and community to support transformational change in literacy outcomes, educational equity and brain health for California students.
Digital Platform
The UCSF Dyslexia Center’s digital tool, Multitudes, aids in the early identification and remediation of reading challenges in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade.
Research System
Multitudes translates research into practice in a continuous cycle of innovation and improvement, informed by the latest neuroscience.
Multitudes is a multicultural and multidisciplinary partnership of educators and researchers committed to fostering a healthy, literate society.


Multitudes is...

Neuroscience Based
Translates the latest findings into useful tools for educators

Effective and Accurate for Multilingual Learners
Fair and accurate measurement to support equitable reading outcomes

Culturally Affirming
Embraces the many variations in dialect, culture, and region that enrich our state

Free for All CA Public Schools
Every student can expect the best in early literacy screening for reading challenges






Importance of Early Detection



Although the optimal window for screening is between transitional kindergarten and second grade, most learning differences aren't diagnosed until much later. Multitudes will help educators recognize learning differences, including dyslexia, as early as possible and help their students avoid years of unnecessary challenges and delay.



Our Work


Multitudes' universal screener translates the latest neuroscience research into practice to measure children's strengths, needs, and growth in literacy. Multitudes is designed to integrate with existing classroom resources and provide data-driven solutions  for teachers, students, and families.

Ultimately, Multitudes will include measures and interventions for social-emotional health as well as for math and early literacy in all top ten languages spoken in California.



Introducing Poppy and Friends

Friendly characters from California's deserts, mountains, oceans, and cityscapes will guide children through the Multitudes screener. Meet Malik the kit fox, Maya the quail, Li the little bear, Poppy the big bear, Luis the blue-bellied lizard, Sam the raccoon, and Emma the sea lion!