Get Involved

This is California’s early literacy screening and intervention platform. How would you like to be involved?
Get Involved - Multitudes

California Public School Districts and Schools

California school districts have until June 30, 2025 to select a screener to use in 2025-2026.

California Educators

Teachers, Principals, Reading Specialists, School Psychologists, and other educators have all been helping shape this tool to make it work just right for you. Would you like to join the Multitudes Community of Practice to participate in refining our implementation approaches and continuously improve Multitudes? Contact us below to learn more.

California Families

Over 15,000 California families of kindergarten, first, and second graders have supported the research and development of Multitudes thus far. Ask your school what kinds of tools they’re currently using and if participating in the Multitudes community may be right for your school.


Are you a neuroscientist or education researcher? In addition to reading our forthcoming publications about Multitudes, let us know if you’d like to connect about our collaborative translational research process.

Multitudes Introduction