The Multitudes Universal Screener

The Multitudes platform provides universal screening, instant results reporting, intervention resources, and professional development to support students and educators.





Step One:  Recognize:  A brief, initial universal screening discovers children who will benefit from more support or instruction. These tasks are selected to predict to a child's reading outcomes at the end of the year. They include measures of phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and oral language. 

Step Two: Describe: A follow up battery of instructionally relevant tasks measure unique strengths and needs across a range of literacy and oral language domains. These tasks are provided for children recognized by the initial universal screening tasks,  as needing support.  These tasks inform instruction and place a screening result in a broader context. 

Additional tasks are available across grades, to help an educator learn more about a child's learning and development across all reading domains. 



Multitudes Measures in English and Spanish


Reporting Class and Individual Results

A reporting dashboard allows administrators to view class screening progress and individual results at- a-glance. 



Interventions and Instructional Kits

Multitudes interventions tied to assessment domains are designed to integrate with existing classroom resources and provide alternatives.  Extra considerations and modifications for multilingual learners are provided at every step. 


Professional Development 

The Multitudes platform provides training modules to help administrators use the assessment tools most efficiently, with fidelity,  to best support children's growth in literacy.  Our professional learning resources include a variety of tools and activities that suit different learning styles. 



Meet our friends Malik the kit fox, Maya the quail, Li the little bear, Poppy the big bear, Luis the blue-bellied lizard, Sam the raccoon, and Emma the sea lion! These friends from California's deserts, mountains, oceans, and cityscapes will guide children through the Multitudes screener.