New User Resources and Frequently asked Questions

What is Multitudes Version 2.0?

Multitudes version 2.0 is a limited release of the Multitudes Universal Screener available in English and Spanish to California educators in fall 2024.  Participants will have the opportunity to use the tool with their kindergarten,  first and/or second graders to begin learning more about their growth in literacy.  You would also have opportunity to offer valuable feedback to inform future iterations of the screener, helping to ensure its value for all California students.

If you have received an invite to participate in Multtudes Version 2.0 this fall, please see the info below for instructions on login and registration. 



Register Interest

If you are interested in bringing Multitudes Version 2.0  to your school this fall, please register using the link below. 






How long does the Multitudes v2.0 screener take to administer ?


Multitudes v2.0 should take approximately 15 minutes per student. The first couple of times that you use the screener, it might take a bit longer to complete an administration; however, the more you use it, the quicker you’ll get!


How many times a year do we screen students with Multitudes v2.0?


We recommend screening children with Multitudes v2.0 once a year.


What is the best time of year to screen students?


For kindergartners, our research indicates that the most effective screening window for Multitudes 2.0 is after at least 8 weeks of instruction have taken place, and before the end of January. If screening after winter break, we recommend waiting to screen until at least one full week of instruction has passed. For first and second graders,  the most effective screening window for Multitudes v2.0 is after at least 4 weeks of instruction have taken place, and before Thanksgiving break


Can Multitudes v2.0 be used for younger students – or for older students who are reading below grade level?


No. The measures in Multitudes v2.0 have been selected and calibrated based on careful research. The specific combinations of tasks in the kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2 screeners are predictive of possible reading difficulties for the students in each respective grade level. 


What should I do if I’m concerned about a younger or older student’s reading ability?


We recommend contacting a district or school administrator to learn whether your district already has an appropriate screening or assessment tool that can help you determine students’ current reading skills, strengths, and areas of need.


What does the Multitudes v2.0 results page look like once students are assessed?


Multitudes v2.0 provides results at the classroom and individual student levels. The class results page shows universal screening results: the percentages and numbers of students in your class who are on target and who need support, as well as students’ results for each individual task within the universal screener.

On the individual student results page, scores on all tasks that a student took in the universal screener and additional assessments will appear, organized by domain. Because Multitudes v2.0 is part of an active UCSF research project, results should be considered preliminary and must not be interpreted as final or used for high-stakes decision-making.

Where can I get support implementing Multitudes v2.0 this year?


First, reach out to the administrator in your school or district who is working directly with Multitudes. They are the best person to answer questions about using Multitudes v2.0 at your school site, including screening timing, logistics, and other concerns. If you have technical questions about Multitudes v2.0 that your administrator cannot answer, you can email the UCSF Multitudes team at [email protected]. Please note that we are a small research team doing our best to respond to questions in a timely manner; thank you in advance for your patience!